Marrying An American Woman
Posted by David J. Stewart | June 2020
Ecclesiastes 7:26, “And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her.”
Marriage seems like a really good deal for men in America today.
First, you work hard to get a used woman who’s screwed up her soul emotionally by having sex with 5 to 50 men (The more attractive the woman the higher the number of sex partners. kind of like a used car with and endless supply of mechanical problems that you pay new car Prices for.)
But make sure to give her the best, and faithfulness and adoration.
She thinks she’s perfect: she’s rebellious, angry, and very unsatisfied.
As an added benefit, after the wedding, she doesn’t take care of herself, tries to control your life, is domineering, and is not submissive or feminine.
She is lazy and often doesn’t work outside the home long after the children are able to take care of themselves.
She complains and nags you constantly, manipulates you and controls you and denies you sex, all while you work hard to provide for her and the children (sometimes, not your children) and protect and defend your family.
Then, when your youngest child or your marriage are around 18 years old, her testosterone starts kicking in, and she has lost the flower of youth and wants to prove her sexual attractiveness to herself, so she cheats on you, and has a secret abortion child murder.
Then she takes more than half of everything that you worked for, ends your sex life, destroys you emotionally, and blocks you from seeing your children, all with the approval of society and the courts. (This, in whole or in part, has happened to 15 men I know personally.)
Then she ascends the throne of being a victim of a “horrible marriage” as she laughs and drinks in the afternoon with her girlfriends who have done the same thing.
This sounds like a really good deal to me.
I think I have really done a good job in laying out all of the benefits for men in getting married, here.
I can’t wait to get married.
Do you know any used single women who would be willing to disrespect me and emotionally and financially enslave me to their insanity and emotional demands?
Curtis Smale
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regeneration is one of the most damnable heresies!”
—Pastor Max D.
Younce, a quote from his excellent Bible study, “WHEN
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“In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God,
and that obey not
GOSPEL of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
—2nd Thessalonians 1:8